Inclusive Urban Development Part - 3

Written by Administrator
Inclusive urban planning implies All inclusive means comprehensive or integrated development. There are three main types of development strategies
  1. Eco city planning
Emphasis on environmental quality which includes safe and adequate water supply, green building practices, passive architecture,  efficient wastewater and solid waste disposal facilities, tree plantation, preservation and development of gardens and open spaces, pollution free transport system, Use of renewable energy sources. Dr. Prasad Modak has prepared a ecocity development plan for Sangli-Miraj-Kupwad Corporation and evaluation of its progress will help in identifying the training and operation needs for success in  effective implementation of the project. There are many development projects  The 24x7 water supply scheme suggested by Dr. Dahasahasra, Sheri Nalla diversion scheme designed by Walchand College of Engineering, Proposal of drawing water from Warna are some examples of this category for Sangli-Kupwad-Miraj Corporation
  1. Digital city planning
Emphasis on development of comprehensive  e-governance system for city administration and control of all operations with use of central web portal and sensor operated modern technological devices and digital communication systems.  Network of data fiber lines would serve as main communication channel for flow of diverse information streams from individual houses and places to central control room and vice versa . Use of automatic energy saving gadgets, electronic sensors and devices in buildings for security and control of various appliances,   is already common in most of the modern constructions in advanced countries and in India also its use is increasing. However, to use this system for business activities and city administration is a novel concept.  The system envisages provision of security, comfort, convenience to every resident with minimization of expenses in maintenance, travelling,  energy use and increase in work efficiency avoiding time delays and prompt service facilities. For a new project, the cost can be drastically brought down by eliminating need of many infrastructural establishments.  I happen to attend one presentation by Shri. Ajay Shirgurkar of Unique Consultants & Services on this concept. and I was glad to know that his company is providing technical know-how in this field at international level.
  1.  Socio-Economical Planning
 Emphasis on harmonious relations between different sections of society, improvement of standard of living and well being of all community irrespective of differences in  income or type of work levels. This would need development of social community centers, religious places, museums and libraries, education and health care facilities, soft  loan facilities and business promotion initiatives. This section depends of active role of social and political leaders and workers to establish cordial relations between administrative machinery and people and provide proper channels for grievance redressal and seek proactive suggestions from public..
Inclusive urban city development should try to integrate all the above three concepts so that   city dwellers will be able to live comfortably, would  become more productive and would be able to provide great social initiative to replicate such model at at other places. This can be achieved for the new habitat where there are no restrictions of existing structures or administration practices.
For development projects in the existing cities many factors may limit the implementation of all above concepts. As regards ecocity development,  major structural changes will have to be made. Difficulties with arise from availing necessary land space  at desired location with necessity of relocation of population, legal land acquisition, dismantling  and clearing existing structures. Even removal of debris and transport of construction materials and equipment will need  traffic diversion works  for considerable time period. Provision of electricity, water supply for construction will also pose problems. Care will have to be taken to reduce environmental and noise pollution during project construction.
In case of implementation of digital city concept, education and awareness of the people about use of new technology devices and methods would assume prime importance.  This task is not easy and the project may fail miserably if people do not know or reluctant to use the modern methods of communication and use of utilities.Many changes and modifications will be needed to bring it is practice for Indian conditions. As an example, use of regional language in communications will have to be provided for its wide acceptance.

Different sustainable models for urban growth
  1. Development of project near existing village or group of villages
  2. Development of industry cluster well  connected to city by express transit routes
  3. Development of remote all inclusive complex example industry  with its own establishment of colony or habitat