Internet Service Forum

With the development of Information Technology, doors of knowledge and trade are opened worldwide. Its impact on business and industry is twofold i.e. generation of new opportunities and threat of worldwide competition with mighty international firms. In India, due to poor infrastructure and financial resources, there are more threats than opportunities. However, we have huge skilled human resource available at low cost and its mobilization can transform the situation into quality improvement , capacity increase and new opportunities in export of products and services world over. Engineering colleges can play a significant role in transferring the fruits Internet technology to business and industry for their progress.
 As a part of collaborative projects under MOU signed with the college, Dnyandeep Education & Research Foundation suggests formation of Internet Service Forum in each college to cater the needs of local industries and professionals with web based networking to be provided by Dnyandeep Education & Research Foundation.
 Objectives: To provide essential information available on the internet to industries, professionals and organizations to solve present day problems facing the industry, new concepts in process, domain knowledge base, quality improvement and effective management.

 Scope of work:
1. Survey and data collection from customers about their business, difficulties, promotion aspects and degree of awareness about information technology.
2. Estimation of quantum of work input and documentation needs.
3. Rate fixation for supply of information.
4. Internet search for information, classification, evaluation and report preparation.
5. Development of website portal for exchange of information and development of other channels of communication.
6. Arranging seminars and training programmes on topics of common interest.
7. Development of Expert and teacher database and providing advice and consultancy to customers.
8. To explore and work on sponsored research and marketing projects.
9. Translate the information into teaching modules by restructuring syllabi or development of new need based courses.
10. To develop e learning courses with the help of experts and teachers based on the knowledge base generated. 

Division of work.
1. As the college has ample skilled human resource in the form of students and teachers expert in various fields, it is proposed to allocate following works to the college
a. Survey and data collection
b. Internet search
c. Development of lesson plans, e learning courses, syllabi formulation and providing domain specific consultancy
2. As Dnyandeep Education & Research Foundation is basically web design and software development company, it is allocated following works
a. Development of website portal
b. Development of programs suitable for e learning modules, online consultation forums, classification of data, documentation and reporting
c. Arranging seminars and training programs
d. Keeping liaison between service provider college and customers
e. Development of CDs on specific topics
3. Planning, estimation of work, rate fixation, remuneration to knowledge workers and financial input for infrastructure development shall be done jointly by College and Dnyandeep Education & Research Foundation by mutual consent. 

It is necessary to form a committee of staff members from the college for identifying the needs, defining scope of work and mobilizing college resources for successful implementation of the project. One contact person shall be designated to coordinate college activities with work plan of Dnyandeep Education & Research Foundation. 

Benefits of the this Joint Venture Project.
1. Students will get exposed to problems and difficulties being faced by nearby industries and professionals.
2. Development of better relationship, enhancement of college image in society and meeting the needs of technology transfer.
3. Experience in gathering the knowledge from internet and exposure to vast information store available.
4. Better utilization of infrastructure.
5. Revenue generation through service to industry and getting new sponsored research projects.
6. Development of consultation and education modules by college staff.
7. Sharing of experience and knowledge with other colleges through this education portal.