IBM Way Part-2

Who says Elephants can't Dance? By Luis V. Gestner Jr.
Chairman & Chief Executive, I. B.M., Harper Business,
Win, Execute and Team
The present economy is most dynamic, competitive and global in nature
Win - Business is an competitive activity. There are winners and losers. There should be zeal for contest. Market place should be driving criterion in all of our behavior
Execute- Speed and discipline. No more studying things to death. Team commitment to act as one.
Team- Making it happen should come down from top to personal leadership. Throw off the old rigidities and behavior patterns and forge a new cultural model. Have you ever noticed how the past keeps getting better the further into the future you go?
Adopt outward facing culture. Have restless self renewal. The Core is passion to business.
e business does not mean
easy money
easy success
easy life
When you strip down to bare metal, e business is just business and real business is serious business.
Leading by principles
1. The market place is the driving force behind every thing we do.
2. Commitment to quality
3. Customer satisfaction
4. Minimum bureaucracy
5. Never lose sight of our strategic vision.
6. Think and act with sense of urgency.
7. Outstanding and dedicated people working as ateam.
8. Needs of employees
 The people running our competition were without doubt, the next generation of hyper capitalists. Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Larry Ellison and Scott McNealy. these guys were hungry, and stayed hungry no matter how much wealth they accumulated. And it was awe - inspiring the way they ran their companies, the people they attracted, how they paid them their work around the clock. They are coming to our house and taking our children's and our grandchildren's college money.
These companies were big but fast. Entrepreneurial and disciplined. At once scientific and market driven; able to create intellectual capital on a worldwide scale, and to deliver it to a customer of one. This new breed continually learns changes, and renews itself. It is tough and focused. But open to new ideas. It abhors bureaucracy, dissembling and politicking. It rewards results. Above all it covets talent and passion for everything is does.
Application of principles to successful enterprises and successful executives.
* They are focused
* They are superb in execution
These apply to all industries, organizations, universities etc.