IBM Way Part-3

Who says Elephants can't Dance?
By Luis V. Gestner Jr. Chairman & Chief Executive,I. B.M.,
Harper Business,

Required behavioral changes in IBM management

From -  To
Product out - Customer in
Do in my way - Do it in customer way
Manage to morale - Manage to success
Decisions based on anecdotes and Myths - Decisions based on facts and data
Relationship driven - Performance driven measured
Conformity - Diversity of Ideas & opinions
Attack people - Attack the process
Looking good is more important than doing good - Accountability
US domination - Global Sharing
Rule driven - Principle driven
Value me - Value us
Analysis paralysis - Make decisions and move forward with urgency
Not invented here - Learning organization
Fund everything - Prioritize
Group leadership with continually fresh thinking - Living, breaking role models
Process centered management - Circumstances driven managers -