Plantation of Industries

We know well that tree plantation requires nursery for growing tiny plants from dormant seeds by creating comfortable environment for seed to sprout and grow in confined enclosure equipped with essential minerals, moisture and protective chemicals and sunlight.

 The same procedure is required for starting a business or industry from fresh graduates. They require seed capital, land, shop or workplace, customers and money for their livelihood. Initially any business or industry is with investments without returns and profit starts only after breakeven point.  Even incase of tree, we have to wait till it starts giving flowers or fruits. In case of big trees, the growth period is pretty long and plants die due to environmental factors or attack of insects and animals.

Still there are some stubborn plants, which we hate as weeds which grow in adverse conditions. For our delicate monoculture irrigation or gardening we need extra care and protection from competing weeds and insects. We have to use wide spread insecticides and chemicals to kill them.

Still in our urban concrete jungle, we find some native trees growing in tiny crevices with scanty moisture and persist to live even after our attempts to cut or remove them. They build their root network so strong that they can sprout again.

Unfortunately, the present scenario of business or industry growth can be compared with monoculture or non-native tree plantations. I have a feeling  that similar well proven methods are being employed by multinationals to weed out small native businesses and shops to dominate the market with their money loaded workforce and management techniques to lure the customers.

It is high time that we understand the consequences well in advance and resort to protective measures and create amicable environment for small native businesses and industries to grow and survive. This requires

1.       Creating awareness about real profit motives of multinationals and damage to small industries.

2.       Providing safe, productive environment and subsistence financial help with assured customer base for new small businesses till they become strong enough to survive and grow

3.       Providing technical training and management assistance for running business profitably and be up to date with changes in technology and business environment.

4.       Developing channels for purchase, distribution and sell of small scale products and services

5.       Creating strong collaborative association of small units to compete with big corporate giants

Dnyandeep Forum for Free Lancers is a small step in that direction. People do not know that huge market exists for their acquired skills, education and experience. In IT sector, jobs of typing, translating, drawing, image processing, video editing,  Web and Mobile development, online teaching and consultation, writing books, podcasting stories and education material, data entry, small software programs, performing arts and creating innovative advertisements. All these do not require long period to learn and can become a great asset for earning with work from home at our convenience.

Like IT, in every other sector, internet has provided tons of facilities and free solutions which can be used to become professional expert in any selected field.

I would like to compare service and self business as using automatic lift and staircase. Huge rush is there for lift with limited seats. Staircase is always open for anybody to climb, but he has to exert for that. Entrepreneur prefers staircase, goes up slowly but steadily. Is self dependent and he only produces lifts for others to work for him.

Dnyandeep Infotech Pvt. Ltd. would search for jobs and offer them to members of Dnyandeep Foundation who in turn will help to grow both organizations along with self development.

This is my innovative dream project. If I could convince others to join, project would succeed. If the response is negative, I shall keep the struggle on till I am successful. – Dr. S. V. Ranade, Dnyandeep, Sangli