Live with Purpose

Life is precious. Living is an opportunity. Keep struggling to fulfill your cherished dreams. If you don’t have any, help others to achieve their goals. Sow the seeds of aspirations in young minds and instill courage and resolve to  pursue those whole heartedly.
Retirement should mean only restrictions due to heath problems and not abandoning the work style. Retired people have vast store of knowledge and experience. Though it may not have direct use to solve current problems, still it can supplement the new knowledge and skill requirements and can help in fall back situations.
Invest not in money but human resources. It has many advantages. Reduction of unemployment,  availability of human support  when needed, respect for our experience and utilization of our  knowledge, opportunity to learn new things and participate in aspirations of starters in business.
It also creates new purpose for life to transmit whatever we have achieved to young generations. We also feel ourselves young and keeps us remain healthy and cheerful.