Octopus Culture of Corporate Sector

With the introduction of large shopping malls, small shops in USA were) closed. Big corporate companies swept away small businesses from market with the help of huge capital (collected from people through shares). USA was branded as capitalist country.India adopted socialism with democracy as the principle of governance and kept itself away from capitalist system. However, the way in which the present government is promoting corporate sector as the main partner for development projects, it seems that the corporate octopus has been successful in tying up the government machinery with its tentacles of capitalism.By adopting corporate culture, the political leaders have distorted the very basis of our cherished socialistic democracy for personal or party gains.

Government has done honest efforts to distribute and pass on power of governance to lower layers of community administration to safeguard democracy. Decision making powers as regards development projects and their execution came to Zilla Parishad, Municipality and City Corporations.

However, the projects are being transferred back to big corporate companies on BOT principle instead of utilising small local companies or government departments specially formed for such work with adequate resource personnel.This has resulted in spread and growth of these corporate companies, who are driving out individual professionals, small busineses and government departments from development projects. In order to get speedy permissions to proposals and to devise technical way outs from legal restrictions, these companies have recruited retired government officers on high pay scales. With money power, these companies have succeeded in attracting consumers through advertisements and propaganda campaigns using costly TV and print media.In other fields like medicine and beauty goods, mobile phones, banking, food and building materials, many big corporate companies have captured the major share of market.

Adoption of BOT principle for project execution is a deceptive phenomenon.It is not correct to conclude unavoidability of BOT for projects with large capital outlay. The corporate company also does not use its money for the project. It takes loan from banks and financial institutions for which, government or the owner agency provides guarantee.Then, why the government does not take the responsibility of handling the project with the help of local agencies.It is seen that all major technical departments of government like irigation, PWD, Town planning, Water Supply and Drainage, do only planning of projects, scrutiny of tenders, and monitoring of the project. The design of project components, supply of resource materials and manpoer and project execution ie the main task of project is handed over to corporate companies. In fact these departments have sufficient technical manpower but they are kept idle and naturally their salary also becomes burden on the government.

Some time back there was a tender for survey of primary school buildings in rural areas and architects have to report the repair or renovation requirements. This work could have been done easily and in far less cost if local architects and engineers were allotted that job. This would have increased employment potential at local level. But the tender was floated by clubbing work of many districts and conditions were kept such that only big companies can participate in it.This naturally must have resulted in significant increase in cost due to transport, stay of technical personnel and administration requirements.

Similar such tender was for Eco-development of villages. I have a feeling that eco-development should be done through active participation of local people. Environmental planning and development of villages depend on geographical location, environmental conditions, socio-economic status of habitat and many such factors which vary from place to place. This work can ideally and effectively can be carried out only by organisations working at root level. In Maharashtra state, there are numerous environmental NGOs doing commendable job of eco-development in villages.The main hurdle in their efforts is the paucity of financial resources.

I was glad that government has taken a welcome decision to support such organisations by calling such tender. I immediately circulated the news to many organisations and research students working in this field. But when i downloaded the tender document and saw the conditions I was disappointed. In order to eliminate all such scattered small local organisations, there was a condition that only organisations with Rs. Fifty lakhs annual turnover can participate in this project.Why such condition was put is a open secret. There is no element of surprise if the result of such exercise and spending of government funds will result in preparation of nicely bound thick project report prepared by some corporate with no real substance or implementation.

Beuro of Energy Efficiency is making big advertisement of arranging painting competition for school children on TV for creating awareness about energy conservation.However, if we examine the financial subsidies or support availability for non-conventional energy appliances, we find that big corporates get their projects approved easily but common man has to wait months and years for such help.

We often see that officers are after leaders, leaders are after corporates and corporates are again after officers. There is vicious circle formed in such development projects. Common man, individual professional or small business have no place in this picture.

Unfortunately, new generation has accepted this pathetic condition gladly. The young aspirants are interested in joining government jobs to capture authority or try to serve in big corporates for lucrative salary. If somebody tries to struggle on his own to establish business, big corporates try crush him and government officers harase him by creating many hurdles in running business.

Overall, the time has come to think seriously about where we are going. Shall we become happy if the world brands us as a capitalist country. Even if we presume that it is proper way of progress, the poverty and large population in our country will lead us to unemployment, disappointment and misery instead of social well being.