Get assimilated in the social fabric where you live

People having strong attachment to their native place often remain secluded from the surrounding society when they have to work and live at different place, city or country. This is understandable but not justifiable.

Though your workplace is completely different in many ways than your native place, you must try to learn the nature and society around you taking extra efforts so that you will start feeling at home.

If, on the other hand, you remain aloof from society you will always have  a feeling of insecurity. More than your feelings, you also create similar feelings in the neighboring community about you, which is more dangerous as they are native and think that your stay is hampering their interests and social harmony.

Instead, if you participate in their social activities, understand their problems and aspirations and help them whole heartedly in common good, you will be accepted as necessary and useful component of the society.  Then they will support your views and will not object to your customs and linkages to your homeland.

Knowing geographical features and the history of development would create love and interest in your mind about the region.  Studying nature surrounding you like trees, birds and animals would give you pleasure of accomplishment at no cost. Learning infrastructural services provided by local administration and current issues will make you aware of the needs for future development.

With  these activities, you will feel yourself comfortable in the surrounding. You will take pride about your work place and love it as your native place.

This will erase your stamp of immigrant status and you will become inseparable part of the society where you are living and will be native place for your future generations.

All immigrants in the world are facing these challenges and pass through phases of hatred, out casting from local population to slowly getting accepted over a long time period when their children learn and assimilate the knowledge of surrounding environment, start loving the place  and adopt social customs. This could be accelerated by intentional education program and creating awareness about the situation.

With this broad objective in mind, Dnyandeep has decided to launch website which will help the immigrants in the bay area to achieve  native status in true sense. Though the exercise is restricted to small selected region, it may succeed in  evolving guidelines for solving immigrant assimilation issue on global scale.