Don’t break but strengthen the roots of homeland

I have observed a general tendency that the people migrating from village to city, city to megacity, state to other state or even country to other country try to dispose of their belongings and property due to problems of maintenance or security.

This action indirectly cuts off  their relation to local people and acquaintances, it also destroys the supportive physical environment where they lived and the memories of that period. This leads to total detachment from their original native place  causing significant loss to their past life memories.

In the prime of life, people do not worry much about such loss and feel to be freed from unnecessary botheration. However, in the old age, when past memories only serve as an important  treasure for happiness, they feel the pinch of such loss. The future generations remain totally unaware about the life of parents and the social environment which molded their personalities.

We do understand the importance of preserving archeological structures and artifacts as they reveal the history and cultural achievements. We also preserve the statues,  swords and dresses of historical warriors or usual personal belongings like pen, specks, chair, or house  of great  personalities only with the idea that the memory of their great deeds become alive and inspiring.

Though ordinary persons don’t have deeds to be remembered by others, still every person loves his own childhood memories and family history. Preservation of the physical environment, photos and and description of memorable events in family have the same precious value for the next generation in that family and every effort should be made to preserve that treasure which depicts the old cultural and social ties.

Thus in my opinion, instead of cutting the roots and flying in the air without base, we should strengthen the roots, render help to those still in that undeveloped environment and create a permanent source for mental satisfaction and preservation of family heritage.We can also get the love and appreciation of our help and affinity by the people who are living there and they will help us keep our old memories strengthened and would welcome us whenever we visit that place.