Right path for Future of Indian culture

While criticizing the fearful robotic culture which considers human beings as mere pawns in the  corporate dominated society, I do not wish to indicate that present Indian culture is ideal for future growth and sustainability.

There are many drawbacks and distortions which have creeped in our age old noble culture and turned it into unjust, sluggish and incapable of facing future challenges. Unless we root out these weeds and foster rational thinking, we are going to be swept in the new wave of globalization.

According to me, the most urgent requirement is to create awareness about needs of the present times and acknowledge the power of science and technology to solve the problems rather than belief in god sent gifts through meditation and prayers.

Our faith in god should be rational and should not strangle our intuitiveness, creativity and hard work. We should redefine the traditional  methods of worship by engaging in constant pursuit of social harmony, enlightenment and upliftment. We should expose superstitions and refrain from inaction or blind belief.

Religious rituals have an important role in giving mental satisfaction, feeling of social togetherness but we should remember that those cannot solve the physical problems. In all religious stories the  Gods also had to use physical weapons to destroy evil forces. We must not underestimate or ignore the present day scientific knowledge, but use it for social welfare.

Thus we should evolve a new responsive culture which preserves symbolic rituals as a linkage to glorious past and strengthens love for  family and society, but empowers us to face future challenges in physical world.  Our belief in God should not make us inactive and   submissive but should strengthen the mind and intellect to resist the onslaught efforts of robotic culture to crush human values.